
Monday, November 13, 2006

Help the Needy in Singapore!

Our Government is reputed to be efficient in our management of the country. We’ve managed the communists. We’ve managed the secret societies. We’ve managed improper conduct of certain opposition party members. We’ve managed the turf club, legal soccer betting, and Singapore pools well. We’ve managed to overcome the oil crisis in the ‘70’s, the stock market crash in the ‘80’s, and the Asian currency crisis of the ‘90’s. Sars in 2003, terrorism, and even preparation for a possible flu pandemic are all well managed.

And we’ll be able to manage any misuse of the casinoes that are goiing to be built. Yet, when it comes to give some welfare for some needy people, we can’t manage any abuse of the welfare.

Is it because we can’t – or because we don’t want to? Will giving some welfare lead to a welfare state or welfarism?

When there's a heart, there's a will.
When there's a will, there's a way.

We emphasise ‘self-help’ which is well and good. Yet, what about those we can’t help themselves? Then, ‘self-help’ means ‘no help’. And if there’s ‘no help’, why is the Government elected? Only to help the rich, the gifted, and the able-bodied?

Have some welfare for some people will not lead to a welfare state just as having gamblers in two casinoes will not lead to a gambling state.

I'm sure the government is doing great things to achieve a better Singapore. Yet, for now, there’re those who have no more money to live on and commit suicide! (e.g. The man jumped to his death onto the MRT tracks at Chinese Garden MRT station.)