
Friday, November 10, 2006

Ladies Above 35, and of No More Value?

Ivy Lee, 42, divorced, who appeared in the Straits Times recently, could not get a date even at dating centres. She is very attractive and is a self-made millionaire.

A woman's value doesn't just depend on her looks. It's also about her character and how she relates to a man. Most men want somebody below 35 because the chances of her having a child is higher, and safer. Above 35, the chances of having Down's Syndrome is greatly increased.
Even though there're test to detect Down's Syndrome, it's not foolproof.

Women look for lots of love in a marriage while men need more submission from their women. A woman who's too successful might be perceived as one who's less likely to be submissive at home - regardless of the truth. Men feel intimidiated, generally speaking. Those who're equally or more successful than her would have been married long ago.

Reversal: Sometimes, these women will find men who're not successful comparable. The reason is, the woman doesn't need a successful man. She is successful. All she needs is companionship and love. After all, opposites attract i.e. the successful and the unsuccessful attracts.


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